Thursday, February 20, 2020

The National Curriculum, and Bilingualism - A Review and Summary of Essay

The National Curriculum, and Bilingualism - A Review and Summary of Mitchell, Hooper and Brumfit (1994) - Essay Example These areas were meant to see the relationship between pupils’ developing understanding of language and language learning. In the end it is concluded that given the fragmented and episodic nature of mush AL work, its full potential contribution to pupils’ development as language users is not being realized. Suggestions for improvement are made. The project carried out in the case that is being reviewed has been initially taken into consideration for research as the strong curriculum debates about â€Å"Knowledge about language† (KAL) have taken place. This term implies that pupils’ learning language in formal setting started to acquire some explicit understandings and knowledge of the nature of language as well as the development of practical language skills were debated to be needed. Therefore, researches of the project that is being reviewed have found it reasonable to review the range of rationales which have been advanced in recent years in support of this position and to provide review of two important findings about teaching of English and of foreign languages. Overall these projects revealed substantial levels of KAL-related activity in English and foreign languages, and some suggestions of its positive contribution to learning, especially for control and planning in writing. The case study that is being reviewed is well organized and consists of several parts that cohesively complete a new investigation about knowledge of language. After Abstract, and executive summary, authors provide acknowledgement to those who were helpful to complete the research. Primary thanks are made to several teachers of English and Modern Language as well as to their 9-year classes, who gave access to visit lessons and thus to willingly share the thought and achievements with researches of the study. Also thanks are made to ESRC who funded the project and for the general encouragement to think in a cross-curricular framework which came

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Opportunity #6 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Opportunity #6 - Assignment Example This positioning would allow carbon atoms binding together for formation of molecules that may not be easy to construct, with different reactions or circumstances.(Helmenstine, 2010) The reactions, thus made possible by these scientists have opened the gates of science to create complex chemical substances, which may be seen as creation of nature, otherwise. The principals of carbon-based organic chemistry are responsible for the exciting natural phenomenon, which forms the basis of life. This includes, colors in flowers, snake poisoning, among others. Taking cue from nature’s chemistry, human-kind has tried to perform chemical reactions, which use the potential of carbon for providing the basis for creating functional molecules. Such development in chemistry has given mankind new medicines and revolutionary materials, like plastics. For creating such complex reactions, scientists require the ability to join the carbon atoms together. However, carbon being stable, the carbon atoms do not react with each other easily, as their stable nature does not allow them to do so, under normal circumstances. Accordingly, several methods were tried for binding the carbon atoms together, which included techniques that could make carbon more active. The test tube reactions, conducted for this purpose, could develop simpler molecules. However, for creating complex carbon molecules, the scientists’ synthesis processes towards the same, gave several unwanted by-products. Therefore, the winning reactions of the three Nobel Prize winners solved this problem, as palladium-catalyzed cross coupling provided an efficient tool for getting the precise results. The basis of this reaction is the meeting of carbon atoms on a palladium atom, which brings them closer to each other, for starting the required chemical reaction. While palladium-catalyzed cross coupling reactions find extensive use for many industries, their advantages for the electronics industry is the most